
My passion

My life has been a series of explorations, which often culminate in business ventures. My passion for yoga My yoga began in the high school auditorium in 1973. I have been practicing ever since, and my practice and studies evolved over the years from student to instructor to eventually owning my own studio, which I ran for five years. After a time, my enthusiasm for baking and chocolate eventually led me to close my yoga studio and open a chocolate business, which I enjoyed for seven years. However, I couldn’t shake the feeling that I needed to do something different. When I was in college, I had the wonderful fortune to go to Bali for my master’s thesis in landscape architecture, and the experience there shaped me, remaining with me ever since. It led me to return to the place of my soul through the years. With that influence, I closed my chocolate business so that I could create a new business that combines so many things I love—Donna Sarah Yoga.


My Bali experience transformed me in profound ways. Through reflecting on it, I realized I would love to take others on some of the journeys that have so deeply enriched my life through the years—to show my students and participants what it’s really like to experience yoga through life, and life through yoga. To take yoga with you, every day, as I do.

I have a Master class called “Ease into Yoga.” Its title describes my approach to yoga and also to life in general. Ease into everything! Slide in, have a smooth landing, arrive. The word “ease” encourages safety, but also creativity. When someone feels yoga is “challenging,” they become apprehensive. But when they feel it should be easy, they find courage. “Ease” is approachable and evolving. One is stepping in, on one’s own path… and one wants to go where that leads. It’s a path of curiosity, not fear.

My passion

My life has been a series of explorations, which often culminate in business ventures. My passion for yoga My yoga began in the high school auditorium in 1973. I have been practicing ever since, and my practice and studies evolved over the years from student to instructor to eventually owning my own studio, which I ran for five years. After a time, my enthusiasm for baking and chocolate eventually led me to close my yoga studio and open a chocolate business, which I enjoyed for seven years. However, I couldn’t shake the feeling that I needed to do something different. When I was in college, I had the wonderful fortune to go to Bali for my master’s thesis in landscape architecture, and the experience there shaped me, remaining with me ever since. It led me to return to the place of my soul through the years. With that influence, I closed my chocolate business so that I could create a new business that combines so many things I love—Donna Sarah Yoga.

My Bali experience transformed me in profound ways. Through reflecting on it, I realized I would love to take others on some of the journeys that have so deeply enriched my life through the years—to show my students and participants what it’s really like to experience yoga through life, and life through yoga. To take yoga with you, every day, as I do.

I have a Master class called “Ease into Yoga.” Its title describes my approach to yoga and also to life in general. Ease into everything! Slide in, have a smooth landing, arrive. The word “ease” encourages safety, but also creativity. When someone feels yoga is “challenging,” they become apprehensive. But when they feel it should be easy, they find courage. “Ease” is approachable and evolving. One is stepping in, on one’s own path… and one wants to go where that leads. It’s a path of curiosity, not fear.

With these things in mind, I guide my participants to explore and expose what is already there—I just help nudge it out, give it freedom, allow what is to come to the surface.

That is my purpose in life: to share the knowledge that has been passed down to me and support others as they then absorb and experience for themselves. They then teach themselves and evolve, and we both share the joy of our discovery along the way.


Donna Sarah

blends teachings from several different yoga traditions and styles. Her approach is deeply rooted in the Iyengar Tradition and includes components of Kundalini, Yin, restorative yoga, sound healing, meditation, and yoga nidra. She often incorporates chair yoga into daily practice as a playful yet supportive way to stabilize the movement, explore deeper aspects of the pose, and get closer to the wholesome experience while increasing flexibility and releasing stress. And it’s fun!

In private sessions, she will tailor a practice and asanas (poses) that are just right for you. Simply explain what you would like to focus on, and she will work with you to explore alternatives.


Donna Sarah has studied in the Iyengar tradition since 1998 under the guidance of master teachers. She completed her E-RYT 200 under the direction of Francois Raoult, an internationally known yoga teacher and a direct student of BKS Iyengar, and went on to expand her expertise through Basic and Advanced Relax and Renew Teacher Training with Judith Lasater. She continues to study and practice weekly with master teachers.

 Donna Sarah opened Reach Yoga Studio in upstate New York in 2007 to share yoga, meditation, and drum circles with her community. When she closed her studio to start her chocolate business, she didn’t give up her love of yoga, continuing to travel and expand her knowledge and training while running her business.

Today, she approaches yoga instruction with an evolved focus. She loves the flexibility of customizing classes to all ability levels and focusing on the needs of each specific client and group.

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